Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Addiction to computers?

My situation:

For the last 3-4 years I have been really addicted to computers and computer games. I spent (on free days) 10 hrs per day and on school days 6 or so next to the computer playing games. I dont know what happened over the summer, maybe its the crappy situation in the game (its an MMORPG which got taken over by a crappy company) or maybe i grew up out of it but I lost all touch for the game, and games in general. This game was really addictive, i mean i would think about it basically all day and I would wake up really excited to play the game. Now, I wake up and I am really excited or nervous (i dont know how to explain) but there is no longer a reason and I feel like i developed an anxiety disorder or something. Right now I keep thinking as if I am going to go crazy and i dont feel right not playing games. But I also dont want to play them and end up in my 20's remembering my teen years as 1 video game.

Addiction to computers?antivirus download


Addiction to computers?bmw

ur probally using the computerr as an escape from ur life ..

avoiding ur problemss isnt gonna make them go away .. its only gonna make them worse ..

this is aa hard addiction to break, ii myself had the same problem ..

are uu able to talk to aa therapist er something ??

ii hope uu get better :)
Get a real life.
You definitely sound under self-esteemed, and you seem to have an addictive personality. Either way, you could use a trip to the psychiatrist. Just for a consultation.

TX Mom

Lots of mental health experience

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