I have an assignment for school to explain basic computer terms to a CEO of a fictitious small rural hospital, and recommend a system for the hospital In my paper I have made the point that we should network our computers to a bigger hospital, since our small hospital does not have the space or resources to house data storage. What piece of equipment do I suggest in my paper that would allow our computers to network to the bigger hospital's? I have come across networking switches, but do we need a networking switch on every computer that we want to network? My professor suggested a dumb terminal, but I don't know which computers would be dumb and which ones wouldn't. HELP!?
Computer geeks, What piece of equipment is necessary to network computers together for a large corporation?bmw
For your problem dumb terminals are, quite frankly, a dumb idea.
What you need is a router. Preferably one designed to host a "router to router" VPN (virtual private network). You cable your local computers to the router (add a switch only if the router doesn't have enough ports to cable all your computers). The router connects through the internet to a router at the larger hospital, which has a server, data storage and all the other "bells and whistles".
The VPN creates a "virtual" network, linking all your computers to those at the bigger hospital. The computers at either end of the VPN literally can't tell whether they're in the next room, or across the country. As far as the computers are concerned, they're all right next door to each other.
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