1] Because they break all types of information into tiny units represented by numbers, modern computers are best described as [analog or digital or holistic or peripheral] computers?
2]The primary computer in a network, such as at a business or school, that individual users can access for programs %26 data is usually referred to as? database or terminal or workstation or server]
3]Any portion of a computer that you can physically touch is referred to as? data files or processors or hardware or programs?
Computers- trying to learn my new computer, need answers below?computers
1) Digital
2) Server
3) Hardware
Computers- trying to learn my new computer, need answers below?hijack this
Are you writtng an exam and need the answers
1) Digital
3) Hardware
maybe we made him just a little smarter today
Do your own home work!!
what ever anwers you got are perfectly right
1) modern computers remain eletrical in that the "1's" and "0's" interpreted by each individual transistor pass through on an electrical stream. the values from transistors is then inturpreted into whatever value, symbol, function is coded for in the stream. Periphrials would be avenues for that electrical information to be intureted (that would be your monitor, printer, mp3 player, etc)
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