If anyone has information about quantum computers, i would love to have some brief education about them. I know answering these questions will be hard since quantum computing is still supposedly in its infancy.
1) What do they do/what are they used for?
2) What do they look like?
3) What are some known organizations that have them?
4) How are they built/how do they work?
5) What's the advantage to using quantum computers rather than regular silicon based computers?
6)Positive effects of quantum computers?
7) Negative effects of quantum computers?
8) Any other information you have about quantum computers and would like to share.
Quantum Computers?husqvarna
-these computer can complete (theoricaly) millions of calculations at once, no step by step, like von newman computing machines, they CAN be used to solve encrypted code that would take years to solve in some very short time
they are based in the fact that qubits can achieve more than two states, four actually, maybe more later (up, down, superposed up-down, entangled up-down)
they can also be read in line. suppose a quantum machine of 500 qubits, a foton can read all of them in line, for a computing power of 2^500, 3^500, 4^500 bits per read
added that their clock can go faster than actual computers, due to they don't have demagnetizing period
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