Monday, October 19, 2009

Is the purchasing of computers destroying our school's budgets?

When I was in grade school (up to 8 th grade) we only had one classroom with about 10-12 computers (Commadore 64s - I know I age myself with this) and barely any software. By the time I graduated every class had 1 computer in it and we had several computer labs that had close to 25 computers each.

Now there are computers everywhere and they all seem to be less than 2 years old. I also notice there are always budgeting problems and many things that used to be free (playing sports, pens and paper) are now pay-as-you-go.

Has the budgets given to schools not kept pace with this new major expense of computers or is the computer price tag not as great as it would seem to be?

Is the purchasing of computers destroying our school's budgets?virus scan

Has the budgets given to schools not kept pace with this new major expense of computers or is the computer price tag not as great as it would seem to be?

maybe, but i doubt it

if you want to know for sure, im sure that there is an itemized list of expenses available to you of your local school budget, and 'technology' at least will have its own heading, and you can tell from there how much of the budget it is. frankly, im ok with it, as computers (i heard a rumor) are the wave of the future, and the better we are at them, the more we can learn and be prepared for 'real life'

the reason that there are 'budget shortfalls' is that nothing is ever good enough, and the greedy school boards and teachers unions want more and more for them to do less and less. they have total power, and anyone who dares questions the budget, or thinks money shouldnt be spent so wildly with such big budget increases 'hates kids' or is 'anti-education' or some other crap

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