Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hacking Library Computers?

Ok, so I'm at the library but I can't get any sound because right clicking has been disabled, which means I can't change the sound (I have headphones I want to use for Youtube). I opened the task manager using Crtl+Alt+Delete and clicked the processes tab. There, I found the process "PCcopclient." I googled PC Cop Client and found out that is was the software used to limit usage on library computers. What I want to know is this:

If I end this process, will my computer time be unlimited and will right clicking be enabled again allowing me to change the volume? Or will the computer crash and bring attention to me for being the only disconnected computer thus having me banned from the library computers? I have my own computer, but it would be nice to be able to use the library computer for other things besides browsing the internet.

Hacking Library Computers?firewall

Ask the librarian if sound has been disabled on the computers. Perhaps there are certain computers that have sound and others that don't (that's the way it is in my library; I have no idea why; take it up with IT :-) ). If so, the librarian can direct you to those computers.

If sound is disallowed, you can explain to the librarian what you want to do. I would think either s/he will try to help you or explain to you why sound is not allowed with headphones.

I wouldn't suggest ending any process on the computer. It's not *your* computer, it belongs to the library, and any changes you make have the potential to harm the computer.

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