I remember the good old days of Commodore 32, 64, of VIC 20. Those computers would be ready to use as soon as you switched them on, there was no waiting, no lag time, they were fast and furious for their time.
How come today, with Windows XP, internet explorer, everything is just SLOW SLOW SlOW as hell ?
I takes 1 to 2 minutes to boot up and get ready to use the computer, you get annoyed all the time with "dialog" boxes, you get full of spyware and spam ruining your experience, it takes EONS upon EONS to install software and then fix the bugs. Copyright protection just bars you from enjoying the songs and media you paid for.
The more sophisticated computers become, the more hellish it is to use and maintain them. The more vulnerable they become.
Also, it's a real pain in the butt to have to upgrade software all the time. Even MSN messenger, text processors, Acrobat reader and all other softwares AGGRESSIVELY forces you to upgrade all the time.
Are computers really an advancement and a progress or are they a pain in the **** ?antivirus protection
Unless you install your own software, all the new systems come with a ton of crap all loading when it starts. Every program you add, want to be in there too.
If you have Windows, you need to go through your msconfig startups, and using information from the web and your own knowledge of your system, trim it down to ONLY what is necessary.... the mouse/touchpad, the system32 drivers themselves, your firewall and anti-virus software.
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