Thursday, October 1, 2009

Does computers win the mankind or mankind wins the computers?

computers are super power........mankind made the computers...........but........

Does computers win the mankind or mankind wins the computers?security

It depends. There is almost always an alternative for some of them.

E.g. I won't die without a microwave, without electrical energy, without an automobile, etc. I'll be more happy without any of all, just somewhere in the wild, in a house made by my plans (?) - I'll survive anyhow!

The only problem is WHAT will do the physicians without all the computerised apparatus? Shall they go back in time?

I won't accept it. (excepting for very few known great practitioners)

Computers are needed.


Does computers win the mankind or mankind wins the computers?trojan

Kindly check out "The Soulless One," Mark Prophet, and "Man, Master of His Destiny," O. M. Aivanhov, for some good insight. Mankind has choices.


But it's the same as riding a car! (or a plane) If you drive the machine, that's OK and what a wonderful invention. But if the machine drives you, there you crash, pal.

Robots need a non-biological evolution. Impossible without the intervention of manwomankind.

Manwomankind, nevertheless, is biologically evoluting without robotics intervention. I mean, without robots acting by themselves and free of manwomankind programation.

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