Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Major involving computers...?

I'm trying to figure out what to major in in college. I like working with computers (more with software, not hardware), but I wouldn't want to just code all day long after I finish college. I'm not really much of a public speaker, so I wouldn't want a job where communication is the main idea... I was wondering if there are any other majors besides computer science out there that would lead to an interesting job working with computers? I've heard that overlapping computers with other sciences could also be interesting, but I don't know. Anyway, basically I don't know what I should major in that would be good/interesting/fun for me. Thanks!

Major involving computers...?windows

The days of a great career coming as a result of just pure computer knowledge are past us. Today, you not only should find a complementary major but you HAVE to if you want to get ahead.

There are interesting jobs in all sorts of areas that a "computer person" is a great fit for. Hospitals have financial analysts and practice analysts that combine statistics, computer programming, and business knowledge. Insurance companies have actuaries that help use math and statistics and computers to determine insurance rates. Banks have computer programmers that help analyze loan portfolios and investment opportunities. Stock brokerages have computer programmers who help apply some pretty complex formulas to what's happening in the stock market to help predict the future of stocks.

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