Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to computers actually work?

how do the people that build computers store all the information and programmes in the microchip or whatever its called in the computer? i dont understand how the whole computer works on just a bunch of wires and microchips, and how everything is stored in them.

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There's a big question :)

It's all built up from pulses of electricity.

The main parts are:

cpu: "brain" which has lots and lots of little gates that take two pulses of electricity (or one pulse and one non-pulse, or two non-pulses) and spits out a resulting pulse or no pulse. Kind of like analyzing two flipped coins.

But there are thousands of these little gates, and they can analyze things very, very quickly.

Really basic software uses these gates to do things like add up numbers. Then more advanced software does lots and lots of adding up to draw a dot on the screen. Then more advanced programs again draw a smiley face, and so on.

RAM: kind of like a scribble pad to draw all your sums on. Running programs live here, and when you turn off your computer, it's like erasing a blackboard.

Hard Drive: Place to store the calculating programs and their results etc. When you turn off the computer, everything survives. These work by storing everything again as an on or off pulse, stored magnetically on some special metal. Running a magnet over a hard drive will completely stuff it up.

How to computers actually work?virus protection

A computer isn't all one piece, it is dozens of smaller parts that have only one function.

They are joined together at the BIOS chip which acts like a switch/regulator,controlling the impulses to each simpler device.

The BIOS answers only to the processor, which is the most complicated part of all.

It is the King of the unit, the heart and soul one might say.

It tells the BIOS what signal to send, when and at what voltage.

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