Sunday, September 20, 2009

I want to learn computers?

Well I want to learn about computers. My dad is like a contractor/engineer and he works with PCs alot. I also want to become an astronaut and they choose people who have experience in tech(or something). So what should I do? In my high school, theres a course called AP Computer Science and also AP Comp. Sci. 2(but u have to take 1 first). On the diploma requirements, the career tech recommends these classes, so i'm afraid ill be taking stupid classes that won't help me get into a really good college. Should i take these courses? i want to but i'd like to know the potential outcomes.

part 2. would a course like Comp. Science teach you how to create websites, flash, etc. or just programming?

part 3. how do computers work???? not the wires and monitor stuff, but HOW?? how the freakin hell did someone invent a computer????????? if you really think about it, its near impossible!

I want to learn computers?moto guzzi

Actually your over complicating things, first of all.

Yes take the courses, yes they are blow off courses but do them anyway. If you want to impress a good college admissions offers do projects on the side.

Based on what ever you want to do, if its software. Start learning programming, build some productive software.

If its hardware \ engineering, get into robotics, there are some small robotic sets.

I don't know about you, but my high school had a after after school ap program [you needed ap physics to get in] you make robots, an do other engineering projects (Funny thing was, I went to a Medical Highschool)

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